GDC Technology announces VPF deal with CineHoyts in Chile
CINEMACON, Las Vegas (March 26, 2014) –GDC Technology Limited (“GDC Technology”), a world-leading digital cinema solutions provider, is pleased to announce that it has signed a VPF agreement with Cine Hoyts Spa (“CineHoyts”) for its conversion to digital cinema, covering more than 157 screens over 23 theatres, and the deployment of SX–3000 Standalone IMB®and PortableStoragethroughout Chile.
Cine Hoyts, part of Grupo Chilefilms Holding, is a market leader and over time it has established itself as the standard of excellence in the exhibition industry in Chile. Its digital rollout involving the installation and integration of DCI–compliant projection systems began in the first quarter of 2014 and is expected to be completed by August this year.
“After a careful evaluation process, we at CineHoyts decided to use GDC Technology’s digital cinema servers and storage solutions for all our digital installations. The performance and reliability of its products combined with its worldwide VPF operations experience in Asia, North America, and Latin America have made this a perfect choice for our move to digital,” said Cristián Varela CEO of Grupo ChileFilms.
“The agreement reflects the commitment of both CineHoyts and GDC Technology to offer audiences a superior way to experience movies,” said Dr. Man–Nang Chong, founder and CEO of GDC Technology.“We have been in the digital cinema industry since the year 2000, we understand the challenges of conversion from analog to digital cinema. Weare glad to continue providing high quality and transparent VPF services with the state–of–the–art digital cinema equipment to a growing number of LATAMexhibitorsfrom which they can enjoy peace of mind in their digital conversion.”
About GDC Technology Limited (www.gdc–
GDC Technology Limited (“GDC Technology”) is a leading global digital cinema solutions provider with the largest installed base of digital cinema servers in the Asia-Pacific region and the second-largest globally. GDC Technology develops, manufactures, and sells digital cinema servers that meet the highly demanding performance, security, and reliability requirements established by Hollywood studios. GDC Technology also provides a comprehensive suite of digital cinema products and services providing exhibitors and distributors with a one-stop solution for exhibiting digital cinema content, including integrated projection systems, 3D products, projector lamps, and silver screens. Its subsidiary, GDC Digital Cinema Network Limited, has 6 years of VPF experience and manages over 4,600 screens across 600 VPF agreements with worldwide content distributors and exhibitors. Founded in Singapore in 1999 and headquartered in Hong Kong, GDC Technology has established a global market presence and strong brand recognition with 11 offices and 28local service centers around the world. GDC Technology is a portfolio company of The Carlyle Group.
About Grupo Chilefilms®
Grupo Chilefilms®is one of the largest entertainment industry conglomerates in the Latin American region, with local offices in Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Peru, Argentina, and Chile.
Its business units cover most of the entertainment industry, mainly focused on sound, image and film post-production, digital and film mastering and duplication, front end laboratory operations, home entertainment distribution, theater exhibition, theater content distribution, advertising media, television, and advertising production and services, as well as theater’s satellite content distribution, covering Latin America and The Caribbean.
With more than 25 years of local and global business experience, Grupo Chilefilms®has become the preferred supplier and technological partner for major studios and worldwide distributors, given its unsurpassed quality, reliability, and world-class services.
Cine Hoyts®(Chile) became part of the conglomerate by 2011, and Grupo Chilefilms®has strengthened Cine Hoyts®(Chile) as the market-leading brand, incorporating the most sophisticated and successful technology of the industry, so as to bring the customer experience to a new level of satisfaction.
GDC Technology Media Contact:
Claire Cheung
Email: claire.cheung@gdc–
CineHoyts Chile Media Contact:
Andres Young
Email: [email protected]