GDC Technology ships over 14,000 SX-3000 IMB Worldwide
BIRTV, Beijing (August 28, 2014) –GDC Technology (“GDC Technology”), a world-leading digital cinema solution provider, has shipped over 14,000 units of its SX–3000 Standalone Integrated Media Block®(SX–3000 IMB) globally, making it the most widely installed IMB on the market.
As the industry’s first standalone IMB, the SX–3000 IMB sets the standard for simple and hassle–free digital cinema solutions. The SX–3000 IMB significantly lowers operation, maintenance, and installation costs by eliminating the need for an attached server –while offering High Frame Rate (“HFR”) capability in both 2D and 3D, live 3D support, digital connectivity for alternative content such as 3G HD–SDI and HDMI input with image–scaling from HD to 2K. In addition, the unit allows long-distance 2K and 4K content streaming and remote access via gigabit Ethernet to simplify multiplex cinema operations.
“Global response towards the SX–3000 IMB has been overwhelming as exhibitors are actively selecting next–generation integrated media blocks to upgrade their performance for the digital age. Offering cutting–edge technology with increased operational and cost efficiency, the SX–3000 IMB fits that role perfectly,” explained Dr. Man–Nang Chong, founder, and CEO of GDC Technology. “We are fully committed to meeting the needs of our customers by developing digital cinema solutions that inspire and engage.”
SX–3000 IMB sales have grown 2% year–on–year since its introduction in H1 2013, reinforcing GDC Technology’s position as one of the world’s leading digital cinema solution providers. As of July 2014, GDC Technology holds the largest share of Asia’s digital cinema server and theater management system market and is the No.1 digital cinema server provider in China, South Korea, and Taiwan – with approximately 61%, 74%, and 50% market share, respectively. GDC Technology is the second-largest digital cinema server provider in the United States with more than 11,000 servers installed.*
*According to third-party data.
About GDC Technology Limited (www.gdc–
GDC Technology Limited (“GDC Technology”) is a digital cinema solutions provider. GDC Technology develops, manufactures, and sells digital cinema servers, content storage systems, theater management systems, and network operations center software for digital cinema. GDC Technology also provides a suite of digital cinema products and services, including integrated projection systems, 3D products, projector lamps, and silver screens. GDC Technology’s subsidiary, GDC Digital Cinema Network Limited, manages VPF for approximately 5,000 theater screens and 250 motion picture distributors worldwide.
GDC Technology Media Contact:
Sylvia Lee
Email: sylvia.lee@gdc–