S1 Projectors Server Failed? You Just Need GDC's S1 Kit Solution
Series 1 (S1) projectors, the projectors that launched the era of digital cinema
Launched in 2005, digital cinema forever changed the way movies were distributed and exhibited. This new format for watching movies also dramatically impacted projection booth operations with personnel having to learn how to operate in a digital world. One of the biggest changes was the conversion from 35-mm film projectors to digital cinema projectors. The first generation of digital cinema projectors was manufactured by Barco, Christie Digital and NEC with reference designs from Texas Instruments. Commonly known as Series 1 projectors, the first generation DLP Cinema® projectors were the workhorse of the industry until the Series 2 projectors were introduced in 2010. Fast forward, and the industry is now purchasing Series 4 projectors. However, there are still thousands of Series 1 projectors around the globe, which have been running daily for over 15 years. Despite the long life of these systems, the biggest issue facing exhibition is repairing or replacing electronic components to keep them running up to 10 hours a day and 365 days a year.
Don’t fret about the BIG failure
Exhibitors using S1 cinema projectors may encounter hard disk failures and need their servers replacing. With many projectors over 15 years old some electronic components are now the end of life, including parts for the media server. This includes the Dolphin Board, which is in high demand but limited in supply due to no longer being manufactured. This presents a major issue for exhibitors with S1 projectors in otherwise perfect working condition that would rather replace the server than purchase a new projector. By listening to its customers, GDC solved this issue with the introduction of the S1 Kit specifically designed to integrate with the S1 platform. The S1 Kit consists of a power cabinet and GDC’s ultra-reliable SR-1000 Integrated Media Block (IMB), which can seamlessly integrate with Series 2, 3 and 4 projectors when it is time to retire your S1 projector. Let’s face it, if your S1 projector is still working, why not add some more years of life? You can easily upgrade your existing S1 projector with the S1 Kit.
3 things to consider when upgrading your S1 projectors
1. Is the upgrade solution reliable?
- It is a major investment to consider replacing your S1 projectors if the only part that has failed is the server. Until now, you didn’t have a choice. Now you do. It’s affordable and easy to upgrade to a next-generation IMB with time-tested, ultra-high reliability.
- It is a major investment to consider replacing your S1 projectors if the only part that has failed is the server. Until now, you didn’t have a choice. Now you do. It’s affordable and easy to upgrade to a next-generation IMB with time-tested, ultra-high reliability.
2. Can the upgrade solution work with the latest cinema projectors?
- From a cost-saving point of view, you are saving your cash flow for other projects by investing in a future-proof technology where the IMB can be migrated to a newer series projector when you do decide it’s finally time to replace your S1 projectors.
- The GDC S1 Kit Solution offers an easy upgrade in the future when a new projector is purchased. The SR-1000 IMB with S1 Kit solution seamlessly integrates with Series 1, 2, 3 and 4 projectors including Barco, Christie and Sharp/NEC to ensure highly reliable and secure content delivery.
3. Does the upgrade solution offer powerful options?
- The S1 Kit Solution puts you back on screen from a failed S1 projector server. Best of all, it’s two solutions in one. It not only solved your issue immediately, but also gives the satisfaction of knowing you’re ready for the future
- Investment in the GDC S1 upgrade solution today becomes a powerful playback solution tomorrow. GDC SR-1000 offers an optional cinema audio processor to deliver 5.1 and 7.1 surround sound with software upgrade; an optional CineCache™ with 2TB (Terabyte) memory allowing content ingest and playback to be performed concurrently without local HDD storage. The SR-1000 with CineCache can even take full advantage of playback of over 2,000 movies when combined with GDC’s Cinema Automation CA2.0. No ingest of content is needed for each SR-1000, eliminating content management operation
The only solution to extend the life of your Series 1 DLP Cinema projectors
GDC Technology is the only cinema server company that offers IMB solution working with Series 1 projectors and beyond. It is the only ultra-reliable, future-proof, powerful solution for exhibitors to replace a failed Series 1 projector’s media server and extend the life of your current S1 projector.