How CA2.0 automates the playback operations?
GDC’s smart cinema software solutions have continually evolved to help streamline and automate the critical workflow requirements in every exhibitor’s operation which ensures audiences have an amazing moviegoing experience. In 2017, we introduced Cinema Automation CA2.0 with its SCL centralized playback server solution, the first-ever cinema software solution that leverages machine intelligence to help exhibitors massively enhance efficiency and dramatically reduce human intervention for the day-to-day tasks such as ingesting and transferring content, scheduling showtimes, and checking the quality of the presentation.
Since its introduction to the cinema industry, CA2.0 has been installed at over 150 locations consisting of 1,200 screens and recognized worldwide with numerous awards. Combined with the ultra-reliable SR-1000 IMB, exhibitors now have a solution to solve the ongoing issue of delivering an exceptional experience with automation and innovative technologies.
You’ll be amazed by the power of CA2.0’s SCL Mk2 Series Centralized Playback Solution and SR-1000 IMB
CA2.0 is built around the SCL Mk2 Series Centralized Playback Solution. The SCL Mk2 server is able to live stream a movie through the cinema’s network to one or more auditorium’s diskless SR-1000 media server. This eliminates ingesting the content to each media server’s local storage since it is no longer required. SCL Mk2 centralized playback server offers four different models supporting up to 30 auditoriums.
With the SCL Mk2 centralized server series, the operation efficiency is increased by not needing to transfer, ingest, and move content from an auditorium to another auditorium. Each auditorium’s SR-1000 shares a large live-streaming library server* which stores up to 2,000 movies instead of just a few movies due to the constraints of local storage devices. Most importantly, SCL Mk2 offers a fail-safe design with back-up mechanism available to ensure every screening continues autonomously, thanks to the SR-1000’s highly reliable CineCache which allows full-speed ingests even during playback. In addition, the SCL Mk2’s central storage with machine intelligence allows the show playlist to be generated automatically.
*Live streaming is defined as the system’s capability to deliver any DCP stored in the SCL Mk2 directly to any SR-1000 IMB.
Customer Testimonials

“It used to take our projectionist sometimes 1-2 hours to load the schedules in our system, make changes. CA2.0 makes your life easier: does the work for you and prevents occasional human errors.”
Francisco Schlotterbeck, COO of Maya Cinemas
SCL Mk2 Series centralized playback server wins another award

GDC Technology was recently recognized as one of the “20 Most Promising Storage Solution Providers” in 2020 by CIO Review for its robust and powerful design modernizing the cinematic experience.