GDC Announces the Deployment of 100 Digital Cinema Servers for Zhe Jiang Time Circuit – the 7th largest in China
SHOWEST, Las Vegas (March 18, 2010) – GDC Technology (“GDC”), a world leading digital cinema solution provider, is pleased to announce that it has signed a server deployment contract with Zhe Jiang Time Cinema, the seventh largest exhibitor in China (according to 2008 published box-office collection). The contract will see the deployment of 100 units of GDC SA-2100A server starting from January 2010. To date about 20 servers have already been installed and it is expected that full deployment will be completed by end 2010.
Zhe Jiang based Time Cinema has a humble beginning as a provincial cinema operator dated back to 1950. It has since grown to become an inter-provincial cinema chain and as at 2008, it has 65 theatres under its wing with 207 screens and over 50,000 seats. With annual box-office takings of 161 million Yuan, Time Cinema has also climbed up the rankings to become the 7th largest cinema chain operator in China. “As the company who has installed the highest number of servers in China, GDC is a respected name in the industry whose quality products and professional service have clearly set itself apart from others,” said JinTian Zheng, Technology manager of Zhe Jiang Time Circuit. “It also came to our notice that GDC’s range of products offers customers a smooth upgrade path so that their technology investment will not go obsolete. All in all, GDC’s offer is one that meets most of our technical needs and at the same time offers us that extra bit of security that comes together with an established brand name; we know we are in safe hands working with GDC.”
“Ten years in China and more than a thousand of installations in the country have put GDC in a unique position to fully understand the market here,” said Dr Man-Nang CHONG, founder and CEO of GDC Technology. “Our wealth of knowledge and in-depth understanding of the China market allow us to offer our customers here solutions that truly address their business needs in addition to their technical needs. This contract is another vote of confidence from a prominent Chinese exhibitor and will surely further consolidate our number one position in the country; we are thankful for the support from all who have opted for GDC and will strive even harder to bring the best in digital cinema to our customers in China.”
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About GDC Technology (
GDC Technology (“GDC”) is a subsidiary of the Hong Kong publicly listed company – Global Digital Creations Holdings Limited. As one of the leading global solution providers for digital cinema, media delivery and display markets, GDC has successfully delivered and installed digital cinema servers and advanced digital signage systems worldwide. GDC is currently the largest supplier of cinema servers throughout Asia and the second largest provider of cinema servers worldwide, serving its customers through offices in the US, Singapore, Hong Kong and China. GDC also holds Virtual Print Fee (“VPF”) agreements with major US studios and acts as a thirdparty for the major deployment of digital cinema systems in Asia.
About Zhe Jiang Movie Company Ltd. (
Zhe Jiang Movie Company Ltd. was founded in 1950 and in the same year it became the leading cinema operator in Zhe Jiang province, capturing 60.7% of the provincial market. In the years that followed, it expanded its business beyond Zhe Jiang to include provinces of Jiangxi and Anhui, and also the city of Shanghai. After becoming an inter-provincial cinema operator, the company also changed its name to Zhe Jiang Time Circuit in 2003. Towards the end of 2009, Zhe jiang Time Circuit has signed up a total of 65 theatres, totaling 207 screens and 51,635 seats. Its yearly box office takings have also soared to 261 million Yuan, amounting to 64% of Zhe Jiang province’s total box office takings. This represents a whopping increment of 271.6% from 2003 and with that Time Cinema has climbed up the rankings to become the 7th largest cinema chain operator in China.
GDC Media Contact:
Connie Wong
GDC Technology, Unit 2, 21/F., Kodak House II,
39 Healthy Street East, North Point, Hong Kong
Fax: (852) 2579 1131
Email: [email protected]
Zhe Jiang Time Circuit Media Contact:
JinTian Zheng
No. 511,Xixi Rd,Hangzhou,China
Fax: 0571-85027885
Email: [email protected]