GDC Technology launches World's first D-Cinema Cineplex Central Server with real-time bandwidth - delivering multiple movies to multiple D-Cinema screens in real-time
CineAsia, Bangkok, Thailand (November 18, 2003) – GDC Technology today launched its DCinema Cineplex Central Server – FC1000/GB1000 DSR™ Cineplex Central Server – featuring the world’s first real-time scheduling of any movie to any screen from a jukebox of movies. The DSR™ Cineplex Central Server offers real-time, simultaneous access of the digital movies in a network storage environment, minimizing the storage cost and the time needed to transfer content from one standalone D-cinema server to the other while maximizing the operational efficiency in a D-Cinema Cineplex by having the freedom to realtime scheduling of any movie to any screen from a jukebox of movies. DSR™ Cineplex Central Server leverages on standard IT hardware such as 2Gbps Fiber Channels (FC) RAID storage, FC switches and gigabit switches that are scalable in multiple dimensions, capacity, performance and functionality.
“The real D-cinema revolution will begin with D-cinema Multiplex,” said Dr. Man Nang CHONG, GDC Technology’s CEO. “The new Cineplex Central Server offers the Multiplex operators the realm of Movie-onDemand – to schedule any movies to playback on any screens, maximizing the revenues from all category of movies.”
The FC1000 / GB1000 Server is the ideal solution for D-cinema Cineplex that requires to schedule and playback from a central storage of slides, commercial clips, HD content, Dcinema movies to all the different screens. Powered by DSR™ Central Server and 2Gbps FC RAID storage and switches, FC1000 DSR™ Cineplex Central Server is designed for large D-Cinema Cineplex that requires scheduling of very high resolution content such as 2K picture resolution with digital 10-bit 4:2:2 color depth. The GB1000 DSR™ Cineplex Central Server is based on 1000BaseT gigabit solution that offers a cost-effective solution for smaller DCinema Cineplex.
The real-time scheduling of the content to playback on all the screens in a Cineplex is programmable from a central console. GDC Technology has sold and installed its first FC1000 DSR™ Cineplex Central Server to Hollywood and expects to ship another four units to its worldwide customers before end of the year.
Key features of FC1000/GB1000 DSR™ Cineplex Central Server:
- Real-time scheduling of content with varied frame-rates, image-resolutions and compression-standards
to all the different D-Cinema screens in a Cineplex environment - Intuitive VTR like control or control remotely for all the screens in a Cineplex environment
- Use RAID-1 for Data Storage and Operating System
- Rapid download of content via DSR™
- Data Cartridge, DVB-ASI, DVB-IP or IP to a Central Network
Storage Server - Receive and record multiple channel HDTV signals
- Scalable storage capacity
- RAID storage for Data and Operating System
- Secured content storage and conditional access system
For More Information, please contact:
Ms. Sharon Ang
GDC Technology Private Ltd
Fax. +65 6222 1089
Email: [email protected]