central management system cms software

Web-based Central Management Enterprise Software

Your comprehensive solution to manage screenings across an entire cinema circuit from its headquarters


CMS-3000 is an enterprise software which enables centralized management of content transfer, screen advertisements and program schedule, allowing the remote cinema headquarters or support center to have control and visibility of the entire circuit. It helps achieve high operational efficiency by:

  • integrating seamlessly with an exhibitor’s pre-show advertising and entertainment program to streamline the advertising workflow;
  • allowing any circuit with multiple locations to help eliminate redundant time and labor spent on the same routine tasks with local Theatre Management System TMS-2000 and/or Cinema Automation CA2.0;
  • supporting multiple user access simultaneously anytime and anywhere with its web-based application.



  • Provides an overview of all upcoming scheduled shows organized by showtime for an entire circuit.
  • Uses multiple color codings to represent the status of the scheduled shows.
  • Sorts out the scheduled shows with missing Composition Playlists (CPLs), missing Live Play Sources (LPSs) or invalid Key Delivery Messages (KDMs) with different filters.


  • A centralized view of all sites in the circuit to monitor real-time playback status, sound processors and projectors


  • A centralized view of the scheduler of each registered TMS in the entire circuit.
  • Allows users to amend the schedules instantly from the headquarters.

SPL editor

  • Allows users to create and edit Show Play Lists (SPLs), which can be sent to all or specific cinemas from the CMS at headquarters.
  • Synchronizes with all the cinema’s CPL metadata to show all related information without requiring physical content stored in the CMS at headquarters.

Pack editor

  • Allows users to create and edit Packs with all the necessary rules, which can be sent to all or specific cinemas from the CMS at headquarters.
  • Synchronizes with all the cinema’s CPL metadata to show all related information without requiring physical content stored in the CMS at headquarters.

Content transfer

  • An overview of the transfer status for SPLs, Packs, and DCPs.

CMS-3000 web-based central management enterprise software

Challenges of working with a traditional advertising workflow without CMS

  • Misdirected time and effort in tedious and repeated tasks at each cinema multiplex.
  • Inefficient way of managing program schedule using Microsoft Excel sheets.
  • Prone to human error in manual handling of CPL and SPL programming.
  • Long lead time needed for the acceptance of SPL modification; not able to accept last minute advertisement orders.

Benefits of integrating CMS-3000 with customer’s advertising business

Scenario 1: Manage customer’s own advertising business with CMS-3000

  1. Complete the tedious and repeated jobs all at once at each cinema multiplex through CMS.
  2. Automatically place advertising execution orders without use of Microsoft Excel sheets.
  3. Automatically manage the advertising CPL, improve the efficiency and accuracy.
  4. Quickly update to cinema multiplex when changing the advertising schedule.

Scenario 2: Achieve intelligent management of advertising business by integrating CMS-3000 with the advertiser's system

  1. Quickly update cinema multiplex about advertisers’ last-minute changing requests of advertisements.
  2. Quickly locate and solve the problem of misplaced and missing advertisements.
  3. Have the ability to skip embedded advertisement.
  4. Automatically match advertisements with corresponding formats based on movie formats.