GDC’s complimentary training program raises customer’s digital cinema knowledge the next level
SHOWEAST, Orlando (October 12, 2010) – GDC Technology (“GDC”), a world leading digital cinema solution provider, announced today that it has opened a new state of the art training facility at its Sterling, VA office to better serve its North American client-base.
“GDC’s Sterling training facility features large panel TV screens which allows the attendees to see in real time the operational relationships of server to server, server to projector and VPN functionality presented in a way that visually benefits the class and enhances their learning curve,” said Tim Folk, Executive Vice President of GDC Technology. “With the advent of digital cinema, acquiring a solid foundation in networking is key to digital theatres operations. We are providing an environment that allows our trainees and customers a hands on experience in configuring, customizing and networking their GDC servers.”
GDC training courses are tailored to skill levels and depth of information needed. These courses provide specific proficiencies for theatre managers, projectionists, service and installation partners as well as field service engineers. Each participant is given printed manuals and course materials based on the course components they have chosen and can take the material with them to use as technical reference.
“We provide a tiered course curriculum. We start with user training which covers the basics of daily operations and progresses to installation then we provide in depth maintenance and service training,” said Gray Eby, Training Manager of GDC Technology. “The duration of each course is about six hours and ends with a proficiency quiz. After the quiz, we have the opportunity to spend one-on-one time with the participants to discuss any troubleshooting issues they may face or review features that may benefit their operation.”
“The training groups are kept small, 12 participants or less to ensure plenty of hands-on practice to thoroughly familiarize everyone with GDC’s software features and server functionality,” said Mr. Folk. “In order for GDC to be an effective partner, we need to provide our exhibitors and integrators with the tools they need to run successful businesses. Our clients have invested in GDC and in turn, GDC will invest heavily in their success.”
“GDC also offers an online training course that allows the participant to view the courses via the internet, and all training program materials are sent to each person prior to their class date,” said Mr. Eby. “We understand how difficult it may be for an installer or and an exhibitor to set aside time to physically attend a class, so we have tried to be as flexible as possible and make our courses available through the internet.” Though GDC recommends physical attendance due to the hands on nature of the courses, arrangements can be made for online courses. User Level and Service Level Training certificates are awarded upon the successful completion of the course quiz.
GDC’s Sterling office is conveniently located just outside the nation’s capital only seven miles north of the Dulles Airport and shuttle service to the training facility is provided. Two hotels are within walking distance as well as many restaurants and services. To find out more information about GDC’s training program and schedule please email [email protected]. GDC also offers training courses at their West Coast office located in Burbank, CA. on a request basis.
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About GDC Technology (
GDC Technology (“GDC”) is a subsidiary of the Hong Kong publicly listed company – Global Digital Creations Holdings Limited. As one of the leading global solution providers for digital cinema, media delivery and display markets, GDC has successfully delivered and installed digital cinema servers and advanced digital signage systems worldwide. GDC is currently the largest supplier of cinema servers throughout Asia and the second largest provider of cinema servers worldwide, serving its customers through offices in the US, Singapore, Hong Kong and China. GDC also holds Virtual Print Fee (“VPF”) agreements with major US studios and acts as a thirdparty for the major deployment of digital cinema systems in Asia.
GDC Media Contact:
Laura Matthews
GDC Technology of America LLC
21155 Whitfield Place, Suite 207
Sterling, VA 20165
Tel: (1) 877-337-0868
Fax: (1) 571-313-0468
Email: [email protected]